Wednesday, March 6, 2013

130306 [NEWS] MBLAQ to power up full japanese comeback with new single "MONA LISA - Japanese version - ".

The last tycoon idol group leading the KPOP Boom is back in the game and will finally release "MONA LISA - Japanese version -" on march 27th. And the 5 members group will power up a live stage in may.

Durring one year and five months there wasn't an album release activity for MBLAQ to fulfill in Japan. They were focused in their performs for the Asian tour, that got tickets sold out in many countries with great sucess! And it seemed that "MONA LISA" was the song with higher reputation in their tour and that was the reason which lead them to choose "MONA LISA" for their full japanese comeback.

With a firm and increasing fanbase in Japan helping them to make their songs more popular, MBLAQ unveiled the Japanese version of that song at the fanmeeting that was held in February of this year. The huge line for the pre-orders of the CD made us have a feel that it should be a hit even before its release.

"MONA LISA - Japanese version -" Will be released in four different versions, all individually designed. Limited Edition Acontains CD, DVD and Phootobook as for Limited Edition B is composed of a CD with a photo album.

In addition, the Limited Edition C has a password for the "Limited Edidion" And can access contents that onlythe people who bought this version can.

Limited Editions A,B and C has also enclosed an event entry ticket for the buyer attend that will be held in May, so check it out!

Info on the event hold for the limited edition CD buyers:

Date: May 16th, 2013 (Thu) and 17th (Fri).
Location: Somewhere in Tokyo (T/N: Yes, that's exectly what is write on the update. I guess they don't want anyone else besides the Limited edition CD buyers to try to sneak in the event.)

To apply check the entry ticket inclused in the CD, one application for CD only.

The event will be held four times in two days, twice each days and it will have different contenet in every 4 times.

(T/N: If any international A+ buy a Limited Edition C refer back to me so I can help you with the site and the registration.)
Translated: Carolline Yukari

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