Showing posts with label rain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rain. Show all posts

Sunday, April 28, 2013

130428 [CLOUD NOTICE] English/ Spanish translation Report about Cloud fan's donation to celebrate the 11th anniversary of Rain's debut on UNICEF's FACEBOOK

Hi, I'm am the 8th administration's executive member.

Thanks to your love and concern, we received more than our target in donations we had raised to celebrate the 11th anniversary of Rain's debut and the collection raised a total of ₩15,800,000. Full details of the report on how the project was going, will be noticed after we're granted a testimonial from UNICEF and receive a receipt from it. So please be patient until then.


UNICEF posted some earnest words on its FACE BOOK to promote our donation today. We hope many of you'll publicize our work by writing comments on the FACE BOOK.


[A post about Cloud fans' donation on UNICEF FACE BOOK] translated into English.

Clap! To celebrate the 11th anniversary of his debut, Rain's fans from 17 nations including the USA, China, Peru, Spain, etc. sent a contribution of ₩ 11,370,000 to UNICEF. +_+
It is true that Rain is a very kind-hearted singer who gave 50 wells to Cambodian children as gifts in 2006. Like him, his fans seem to be big-hearted. @_@
The devotion of his fans from around the world will make a valuable gift for both young friends who need support and Rain. :)

source :

Hola, estoy soy miembro del comité ejcutivo del de The Cloud

Gracias a su amor y preocupación, hemos recibido más de nuestro objetivo en las donaciones que nos habíamos planteado para celebrar el 11 aniversario del debut de RAIN y hemos recaudado un total de ₩ 15 800 000. Los detalles completos del informe sobre la forma en que el proyecto se ha llevado a cabo, se notará después de que tengamos un testimonio de UNICEF y recibamos un recibo de la misma. Así que por favor tenga paciencia hasta entonces.


UNICEF, hoy publicó unas palabras sinceras en su FACEBOOK de cara a la promoción de nuestra donación. Esperamos que muchos de ustedes voayan a conocer nuestra labor al escribir comentarios en el FACEBOOK.
================================================== ===========

[Un mensaje sobre la donación de los fans de The Cloud al FACEBOOK] traducido.

Clap! Para celebrar el 11 º aniversario de su debut, los fans de Rain de 17 países incluyendo los EE.UU., China, Perú, España, etc enviaron una contribución de ₩ 11 370 000 a UNICEF. + _ +
Es cierto que RAIN es un cantante de muy buen corazón que le dio 50 pozos para los niños camboyanos como regalo en 2006. Como él, sus fans parecen tener gran corazón. @ _ @
La devoción de los fans de todo el mundo va a hacer un regalo valioso para los jóvenes amigos que necesitan el apoyo y Rain. (lluvia) :)

fuente: ...
Traducción: Myriam Morales

Friday, April 26, 2013

Report on the 11th Message File

Post by hina THE CLOUD
English Translation by huhuhuhu

Thank you as always for your help and your good work.

Hello, this is Japanese Master Hina.

I want to report on the creation of a letter file containing Cloud fans' congratulatory messages to celebrate the 11th anniversary of Rain's debut.

In total, 234 letters, including 81 letters sent from Mexico, Hungary, Spain, Chile, South America, the Middle East, the Philippines, Peru, and other countries, and 153 letters sent from Japan, have been created on a file.

The following image shows the letters.
(The letters have been made only for him and that's why I intentionally let the image lack definition to protect their privacy)

I'd like to thank all those who have participated in this event.

Congrats on his 11th debut anniversary, and we hope he'll bring his duty to a successful conclusion by doing his very best right up to the end.

Thank you.

Spanish Translation by Lili

Gracias como siempre por su ayuda y gran trabajo.

Hola, les escribe la Master Japonesa Hina,

Quiero darles información sobre la creación del libro con los mensajes enviados por las fans Clouds para celebrar el 11º Aniversario de debut de Rain.

En total, se recibieron 234 tarjetas, entre ellas 81 enviadas de Mexico, Hungría, España, Chile, América de Sur, el Medio Oriente, Filipinas, Perú y otros países, y 153 tarjetas enviadas desde Japón.

Las siguientes imágenes muestran las tarjetas.
(Las tarjetas han sido hechas sólo para él por eso, intencionalmente las imágenes tienen baja definición para proteger su privacidad)

Quisiera agradecerle a todas las personas que participaron en este evento.

Felicitaciones en este 11º Aniversario de su debut, y esperamos que pueda terminar con sus deberes de la mejor manera posible.


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

[TWITTER] Tweet about Rain @seongnamcity

Post by ratoka THE CLOUD
English translation by  화니

'Family Rock Festival' will be held at the grass square in front of Bundang office (district office) from May 4 (Sat) to 5 (Sun), for two days, under the sponsorship of ABN TV and the Defense Media Agency, with the support of Seongnam city.
Visual show "Consolatory Train" featuring many singers including popular singer Rain (Jung Ji-Hoon) and various event programs will be provided. So bring the whole family and make it a day to remember^^

Spanish translation by Lili

El 'Family Rock Festival' (Festival Familiar de Rock) se celebrará en la plaza frente de la oficina Bundang (Oficina del Distrito) desde el 4 de mayo (sábado) hasta el día 5 (domingo), durante dos días, bajo el patrocinio de ABN TV y la Agencia de Medios de Comunicación de la Defensa, con el apoyo de la ciudad de Seongnam.
Habrá presentaciones en vivo de "Consolatory Train" de muchos cantantes, incluyendo al popular artista Rain (Jung Ji-Hoon) y varios eventos programados. Puedes venir con toda tu familia y hacer que sea un día para recordar ^ ^

Monday, April 22, 2013

Consolatory Train scheduled for May 4th - Areum TV ABN's Family Rock Festival.

Post by huda THE CLOUD
English: 화니 

'Consolatory Train' scheduled for May 4th - Areum TV ABN's Family Rock Festival.

*Areum TV ABN's Family Rock Festival will be held at 18:00 at the grass square in front of Bundang office (district office)

*Guest performers : RANIA, Jung Ji-Hoon (Rain), Girl's Day, Jeokwoo, Sangchu, Lee Suk-Hoon', Kang Chang-MO (KCM), Kim Kyung-Hyun, and Kyunwoo.

Spanish Translation by Lili

Consolatory Train programado para el 4 de mayo - Festival Familar de Rock de Areum TV ABN.

*El Festival Familar de Rock de Areum TV ABN se llevará a cabo a las 18:00 en la plaza verde en frente de la oficina Bundang (oficina del distrito)

*Artistas invitados: RANIA, Jung Ji-Hoon (Rain), Girl's Day, Jeokwoo, Sangchu, Lee Suk-Hoon', Kang Chang-MO (KCM), Kim Kyung-Hyun y Kyunwoo.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

130418 [Rain CF] Rain Mentholatum Men CF

YTRATOKA8 Publicado el 18/04/2013 source

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

[SPECIAL POST] CARDS sent to RAIN for his 11TH ANNIVERSARY (Project from Japan Cloud Master Hina)

This are the some of the cards sent to sister cloud Hina to Japan, to celebrate Rain's 11th Anniversary... We want to express our gratitude to her for allowing us to participate in such a wonderful project...

Estas son algunas de las tarjetas enviadas a nuestra hermana nube Hina en Japón, para celebrar el 11º Aniversario de Rain.... Queremos expresar nuestra gratitud a ella por habernos dejado participar en este maravilloso proyecto...

Rain ~A4 Card CLOUDS 11 Anniversary Debut 2013 ~

Click on the image to view video! Haz click en la imágen para ver el video!
Credit video: Rain BiRain625 Youtube (thank you so much sister!)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

130409 [Cloud Notice] english/ spanish translation: We start raising donations as part of a project to celebrate the 11th anniversary of Rain's debut

We start raising donations as part of a project to celebrate the 11th anniversary of Rain's debut 

Supporters and I have decided to go ahead with the project as follows by taking your opinions into consideration.

We believe that UNICEF will be a most suitable charity in international recognition as overseas and domestic fans have united to celebrate the 11th anniversary of Rain's debut.

* Donations in kind will be forwarded to UNICEF. (supporters and I will consistently discuss concrete ways of sending our donations to the organization.)

* Our target figure : eleven million won. (If the collected money doesn't meet the target, the lack of money will be covered by the membership fees. Remaining funds will be deposited into the membership fee account for the next events.)

* Fundraising bank account : [Woori bank / 1002-448-588628/ 강상연 (recipient )]

* Fundraising period : until April 24th.

*How to raise funds : You can transfer money into the above account, regardless of how your money is remitted. (by country, or by website, or by an individual)

1. Both Korean Cloud fans who are members of Korean fan sites and Korean Cloud fans who want to individually remit money, can directly transfer money into the above account.

2. Overseas Cloud fans who are members of overseas fan sites, can get involved in fund-raising through Ms hina and Ms huhuhuhu who are official overseas Cloud masters.

3. Overseas fans who want to individually remit money, can transfer money into the above account, inclusive fees.

★ This donation is to be made by Cloud fans who are of purer purpose for nothing and without any conditions, and therefore we hope that it won't be in commercial use. (If you find someone who entraps you into getting involved in fund-raising under the condition that your participation in the fundraising can provide a chance to attend the events where Rain appears, please come forward with the information.)

source :

★★ 11주년 기념 이벤트 기부금 모금 시작합니다.★★

기부에 대한 댓글 의견을 서포터들과 의논한 결과 다음과 같이 진행하도록 하겠습니다.

아티스트의 데뷔 11주년을 기념하여 한국과 해외팬분들이 함께 연합하여 진행하는 기부행사이므로,

공통적으로 관심과 참여가 자연스러운 유니세프가 가장 적절한 기부처라고 결론을 내리고 선정하게 되었습니다.

기 부 처 : 유니세프 물품기부(구체적인 방법은 서포터들과 지속적으로 의논해서 결정하도록 하겠습니다.)

목표 금액 : 1,100만원(부족한 금액은 구름회비로 보충할 것이며, 초과 금액은 다음 이벤트를 위해 예치해 놓겠습니다.)

계좌 번호 : [우리은행 1002-448-588628 강상연]

모금 마감 : 4월 24일까지

모금 방식 : 상기된 계좌로 나라별, 싸이트별, 개인별로 구분없이 각각 입금을 받도록 하겠습니다.

1. 국내 팬싸이트와 개별 입금하시는 한국 구름님들은 상기의 계좌로 바로 입금해주시면 됩니다.

2. 해외 팬싸이트는 공식구름의 해외마스터이신 hina님과 huhuhuhu님을 통하여

기부를 진행하시고 모금액을 보내주시면 됩니다.

3. 개별적으로 보내실 해외팬들은, 수수료 부담이 클 수 있음을 참고하시고 상기의 계좌로

수수료 포함 금액으로 입금해 주시길 부탁드립니다.

★ 이번 기부는 순수하고 아름다운 팬덤 활동일 뿐 어떤 조건이나 대가가 없는 활동임으로

상업적으로 이용되지 않도록 주의 부탁드립니다.
(혹시 아티스트에 대한 행사 참여 등 특정한 조건으로 기부금을 유도하는 경우가 있다면, 제보 주시기 바랍니다)

13.04.09 [AVISO CLOUD] Empezamos recaudar donaciones como parte de un proyecto para celebrar el 11 aniversario del debut de Rain

Los partidarios y yo hemos decidido seguir adelante con el proyecto de la siguiente manera, tomando en cuenta sus opiniones.

Creemos que  UNICEF será la entidad de caridad más adecuada con reconocimiento internacional  tanto para los fans extranjeros  como para los fans nacionales que se unan para celebrar el 11 aniversario del debut de Rain.
* Las donaciones en especie se remitirán a UNICEF. (Los partidarios y yo siempre discutiremos formas concretas de envío de las donaciones a la organización.)* Nuestra cifra objetivo: once millones de won. (Si el dinero recaudado no alcanza el objetivo, la falta de dinero será cubierto por las cuotas de afiliación. El resto de los fondos serán depositados en la cuenta de membresía para los próximos eventos.)
Recaudación de fondos * Cuenta bancaria: [Woori Bank / / 1002-448-588628 강상연 (receptor)]* Periodo de recaudación de fondos: hasta 24 de abril.
* Cómo recaudar fondos: Usted puede transferir dinero a la cuenta anteriormente, independientemente de cómo su dinero es entregado. (Por país o por sitio web, o por una persona física)

1. Tanto L@s Clouds Corean@s miembros de los sitios de fans y los aficionados Clouds Coreanos que desean enviar dinero de forma individual, puede transferir directamente el dinero en la cueta anterior. 
2. Las Clouds en el extranjero que son miembros de los sitios de fans en el extranjero, puede participar en la recaudación de fondos a través de la Sra. Hina y Ms huhuhuhu que son  Las Cloud Masters de ultramar. 
3. Los fans extranjeros que deseen enviar dinero de forma individual, puede transferir dinero a la cuenta arriba mencionada, incluyendo las tarifas.
★ Esta donación ha de ser hecha por fans y Clouds que tenga un corazón puro, y sin ninguna condición, y por lo tanto esperamos que no sea de uso comercial. (Si encuentras a alguien que intenta involucrate en la recaudación de fondos con la condición de que tu participación en la recaudación de fondos puede proporcionar la oportunidad de asistir a los eventos donde Rain aparece, por favor presentar la información.)

fuente: ... 
Traducción al español Myriam Morales 

13/04/08 Demaclub Interview - Kim Mu-yeol mentions Rain

Post made by ratoka The Cloud

English translation by 화니

(Only Rain's part)

When new soldier 'Kim Mu-Yeol' returned to his workplace/unit after he completed his detached service at the scene of a creative military musical called 'The Promise' made to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Korean War, corporal and squad commander 'Jung Ji- Hoon' (Rain), ahead of his being promoted to sergeant, welcomed him ('Kim Mu-Yeol') more than anyone else in the unit.

Spanish Translation by Lili

(Sólo la parte sobre Rain) 

Cuando 'Kim Mu-Yeol', quien es un soldado novato, volvió a su lugar de trabajo/unidad después de haber completado su servicio individual como parte de una obra musical creativa llamada 'La Promesa', escrita para conmemorar el 60mo Aniversario de la Guerra en Korea, el Cabo y Comandante Lider de Escuadra 'Jung Ji- Hoon' (Rain), quien va a ser promovido a Sargento pronto, le dio la bienvenida (a 'Kim Mu-Yeol') más que cualquier otra persona en la unidad.

Monday, April 8, 2013

13.04.08 [Cloud Notice] We restate the date of Rain's making the rank of Sergeant

Source: The Cloud Board 

Last February 19th, we posted a notice that Rain would be promoted sergeant on April 1st but have now learnt that it was incorrect. Consequently, the event ran based on mistaken information, and even Rain was said to be wrong about the date. We're informed today that since January of this year, the military has changed its rules to allow c
rporals, who are about to be promoted to the rank of sergeant, to be promoted sergeant exactly on May 1st, and therefore, Rain'll be promoted sergeant on May 1st. 

 Spanish Translation by Lili 

08/04/13 [Noticia Cloud] Reestablecemos la fecha en la que Rain será promovido a Sargento

 El pasado 19 de febrero, publicamos la noticia de que Rain sería promovido a Sargento el día 1 de abril pero ahora sabemos que esto es incorrecto. En consecuencia, el evento realizado se basó en información incorrecta, y se dice que hasta Rain tenía la fecha incorrecta. Nos informaron hoy que desde enero de este año, el servicio militar ha cambiado sus reglas con respecto a los Cabos que están a punto de ser promovidos a Sargentos, los mismos serán ascendidos en día 1 DE MAYO, y por lo tanto, Rain será promovido a Sargento el día 1 DE MAYO.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Designed by: Blaq Rain Designs

080413 [NOTICE] Consolatory Train guest stars (09 April)

cr ratoka

[notice] english/ spanish translation LET'S CELEBRATE THE 11th ANNIVERSARY OF RAIN'S DEBUT TOGETHER


Let's send the Message Card to Rain, together.

We will print and file your card, and send the Message file.

Please join us.

Please send the data file to me until 4/15

mail address  →→

Please capture and send A4 size.
I can print your capture datas in an image file, like a .jpg or .png file

HINA The CLOUD  Japan master cloud




Vamos a enviar la Tarjeta de Mensajes para RAIN, juntos.

Vamos a imprimir y presentar sus tarjetas y enviar el archivo con sus mensajes.

Por favor, únase a nosotros.

Por favor, envienme el archivo de datos hasta el 4/15

mail → →

Por favor, capturar y enviar tamaño A4.
Puedo imprimir sus capturas en un archivo de imagen como un jpg. O. Png

HINA @ japan -master -cloud

Traducción al español Myriam Morales 

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Designed by: Blaq Rain Designs

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

130403 [Cloud Notice] We're secondly gathering your opinions on the event to celebrate the 11th anniversary of Rain's debut

We're secondly gathering your opinions on the event to celebrate the 11th anniversary of Rain's debut
To celebrate Rain's making the rank of sergeant & D-day100 [only 100days to go before his discharge], we provided gifts (a large rice cake, individually packaged rice cakes for 20 people, small snacks, and clothes as personal presents for Rain) to the soldiers including him in the Defense Media Agency and the persons in charge in the related department of the Defense Media Agency on April 1st.
In the early hours of the morning of the day to maintain food freshness, two supporters ( Ssagae님, 베티님) personally delivered those gifts to the administrative office in the military, and thereafter, action officer 'Choi' gave them to Rain and his soldier mates himself after he came to work.

(Report on this event and overview of expenditures will be noticed after the April events are completed.)
The outline for the event for the 11th anniversary of his debut has been completed. In this connection, we're still looking for supporters who will help proceed with the event, and we'll confer with supporters before reaching a decision on the detailed methods and procedure of the event.
Locally and abroad, there are many opinions about donation that will no doubt increase his image. Please be as specific as possible to reflect the tenor of the event when you express your opinions on donation.
-For whom is the donation intended?
The beneficiary charity should be specifically indicated.

(Example) : UNICEF, Heart Foundation, KBS TV's Accompany You, etc. that can help him burnish his image and can promote the event.
-Amount of donation-
We expect roughly 11million won because the number 11 has very important historical significance to Rain.
Donation will be collected through a fundraising campaign, and the shortage is to be covered by the membership fees. If there are remaining funds after the event, the funds will be used for the next event.
-How to raise funds for charity-
1. We'll make a contribution to charity in the name of global Rain fandom by forming a coalition with overseas and domestic Rain fans.

For this, we're seekimg cooperation from overseas and domestic Rain fans, without distinction of membership and nonmembership.

Domestically, we've sent out notices to each Rain fan site, and internationally, we're being helped by overseas master hina (Japan) and huhuhuhu(outside of the country).
2. You can unconstrainedly send some money to the Cloud supporter account, by country, site, and by an individual.
3. We'll find efficient ways to overseas fans' deposit after discussing the work with overseas masters.
-Fundraising period-
: We'll raise money until 24 April 2013, and the donation will be sent to the given charity on the 25th.
When we decide on the amount of the donation, where the donation is provided, and how to collect funds, the newly confirmed contents and fundraising account will be noticed. We hope to get a lot of support from you.

[Further information]
Several events for the 11th anniversary of his debut arranged by some overseas fans are currently running. We ask for your continuous interest and participation.

If you come up with opinions for the event, they'll be advertised on the site and we'll work together promoting them until the event is completed.
1. Worldwide Twitter Trending
2. Production of a special video.
I don't have enough energy to take on that task of answering all questions, so please express your opinions by writing here , not by personal messages(memos)(쪽지) to me.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

[NOTICE] There has been a slight change in the Twitter Trending event

Twitter won't recognize the hyphen [ - ], so the Twitter trending for Rain should read as follows:


Please go here for the latest event updates: Thanks and please spread the word about the change and the trending event as far and as wide as you can. Everyone EVERYWHERE is welcome to join in this celebration. :-} ]


Designed by Blaq Rain Designs

Saturday, March 30, 2013

[NOTICE] The upcoming Twitter Trend Event for Cpl. Rain’s promotion and D-100.

Posted by: NovemberRain @The Cloud Rain News Board
Dear Cloud sisters,
Time is getting closer and closer. We take the steps to start spreading the Worldwide Trending time and date, and for fans to start leaving their congratulatory messages on the webpage.
Join Clouds in trending #SgtRAINsD-100 beginning at 10 p.m. KST on Monday, April 1.
The trend on April 1 is to celebrate Rain’s promotion to Sergeant, as well as his achieving Day 100 of his countdown on his military service. Only 100 days will remain of his service time.
Trending will begin at 10 p.m. KST, April 1, and end at midnight.
Please check this » Event Time Announcer to find the time in your own country that matches Korean Standard Time 10 PM.
We hope many Cloud fans will participate in this event.
We also have set up a webpage to accept congratulatory messages for RAIN at »
The instructions on how to leave messages for RAIN can be read at HERE at » Rain’s Little Cloud blogspot.
The webpage is open for fans to leave messages until April 5th. From April 6th onward, site will be open as Read Only. Please write messages in Korean or English only. Asking for many many supports on this project, too.
Thank you! ^^
— NovemberRain



Friday, March 29, 2013


Designed by: Blaq Rain Designs